Best of the Worst: Finding Positives in 2020

January 5, 2021, 10:30 pm       No Comments

Image from Dispatch

2020 can be described in a lot of ways: sad, unprecedented, frustrating, or insane. However, this pandemic year can not be all bad. Looking back, we can still find some positives and silver linings. Here are some of the best things to come out of the infamous 2020.

  1. Glass ceilings were shattered when Kamala Harris became the first Black, Asian  American, female Vice President-elect. This is a huge stride forward for our country, and it represents all of the work that people have done fighting for women’s rights and people of color. It has only been 100 years since women have had the right to vote, and now we have a female leader headed to the White House.
  2. Shut down orders around the world have lowered the amount of pollution in the air and the water. Air pollution drastically improved in the U.S. as well as many European and Aisan countries after they started their respective shutdowns.
  3. For the first time in the history of the academy awards, a non-English film won best picture. Parasite also won 3 other Oscars, the most Oscars awarded to one title that night. 
  4. A wave of crucial conversations about race, systemic racism, and white privilege initiated by social justice warriors and protests have emerged. It is amazing that this movement has resurfaced, but this article is your reminder that the fight is not over, as we need to continue to fight for Black lives and rights. 
  5. We have all been stuck at home with more time to binge watch T.V., but luckily, this year has brought us some great series like Tiger King, Jeopardy GOAT, and many many more.
  6. Crucial members of our society are finally recieving the praise they deserve. Doctors, nurses, essential workers, and teachers, have had to work especially hard this year, and have finally gained the recognition they deserve. 
  7. Although it feels like a decade ago, this year Donald Trump became the 3rd US president to be impeached. It is great to have a representation of the fact that irresponsible and illegal actions do have consequences in our government.
  8. The Washington Post reports, with more people working and taking classes from home, pet adoptions and fosters have skyrocketed. 

Everybody reading this has at least one additional good thing that happened in their own personal lives this year. Whether it is learning to make sourdough bread, discovering your love for reading, or spending more time with your sister, it is always a good idea to reflect on the positives in your own life as well! 

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