May 10, 2021, 2:11 pm No Comments
On April 11, the School announced a change in protocol: three feet, not six, now qualifies as safe social distancing when wearing masks. This change was in accordance with the CDC, which updated its recommendations in mid-March, saying that “all students [should] remain at least three feet apart in classrooms where mask use is universal — regardless of whether community transmission is low, moderate, substantial, or high.”
According to the New York Times, a study conducted on Massachusetts school districts compared the rates of Covid-19 cases in districts with a three feet social distancing mandate to those with a six feet mandate. In a sample size of around 242 districts, the study found “no statistically significant differences in infection rates among staff members or students.”
The School is using these new guidelines to inform its decision of merging all cohorts on May 10th. According to Saya McKenna, the Upper School Head, classrooms have been reconfigured to accommodate fifteen students (the maximum number of people that can be safely seated three feet apart).
For the classes with over fifteen students, there are other options. Teachers can have different “flights of students” throughout the class period, or use outdoor classrooms, says McKenna. For example, the Outdoor Courts have three large tents under which students can study, and the space now has better Wi-Fi than in years prior.
As more students become vaccinated, there will be even more changes. According to School Nurse Jodi Biskup, “twenty one students in the Upper School have submitted proof of being fully vaccinated” (two weeks have passed since their last dose) as of April 26. Biskup says that such students are no longer required to participate in Covid testing on campus unless they are on a school sports team.
However, vaccination does not affect social distancing guidelines. Students are expected to keep six feet of distance during lunch, in accordance with CDC guidelines for when masks are off. Though the Upper School is spread out across campus during lunch, teachers do sometimes have to remind students to stay six feet apart from their friends when without masks.
McKenna says that there is a plan to make room for a larger amount of students during lunchtime. Since the seniors are leaving campus after May 7th to work on their Senior Projects, the juniors will take their place on the field during lunch, leaving all of the patio and café for sophomores and freshmen.
The new plan is still “a work in progress,” according to McKenna. Everyone has to be conscious of following precautions, and students and faculty all need to work together to keep the School safe. After all, says McKenna, “a space is only as good as its use.”
Dillon Hong '25 October 24
Charlotte Shamia '25 October 24
Daniella Greenburg '28 October 24
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