Out with the Old In with the New Stuco Representatives

May 15, 2024, 10:12 am       No Comments

Courtesy of Flickr

The new student council for the 2024-2025 school year has been announced and is now ready to take office in May with the departure of the 2024 seniors. There were many great candidates for the roles of Co-Presidents, Co-Spirit Captains, Treasurer, and Communications Director. Here is a dive into your new Student Council and the initiative they plan to take on campus next year.

Juniors Lucy Henrich and Morgan Ross are taking on the role of Co-Presidents. To fill the role of President, it is not only important to have good ideas but also to have the drive to get things done on campus. Henrich and Ross are determined to bring back school spirit and offer students an experience on campus that has them enthusiastic about going to school instead of “solely viewing school from an academic lens”, Henrich states.

Henrich and Ross look forward to working with affinity groups and clubs to support student associations. The two also hope to provide more field trips as well as bring in more guests outside of the School to expand our horizons.

At a more institutional level, they look to do a deep dive into areas that need growth in our community. Henrich states, “I want to work more closely with administrations and faculty because the student body is the most crucial element of our school. I want to serve as a catalyst for our collective ideas and ensure that they become real.”

Juniors Dillon Hong and Charlie Marsala plan to uplift school spirit after being elected Co-Spirit Captains. As Spirit Captains, Hong and Marsala claim they will bring a “unique blend of enthusiasm, dedication, attendance and knack for spreading contagious school spirit.” The two are committed to bringing spirited energy and high attendance to all sports games throughout the next school year as well as planning fun events to make time at school more enjoyable. 

They also plan to take on a big social media presence to notify students ahead of time about spirit weeks and events taking place outside of school hours. These Spirit Captains are truly dedicated to making sure students’ campus experience next year is through the roof. 

Junior Harrison Sade will oversee financial transactions and fundraising efforts after being elected as Treasurer. With a passion for finance, Sade is motivated to create a more meaningful experience at the School by facilitating funding for clubs, affinity groups, community engagement events, and school dances. 

Additionally, Sade’s finance knowledge is extensive. He has taken foundational finance courses through Cambridge University and Johns Hopkins University. In addition, he is the Co-founder of the Investment Club at the School and has created a financial literacy course that is being taught to the School’s middle school students. Sade claims he is dedicated to “work hand-in-hand with the student council and administration to ensure that funding is allocated according to student needs.”

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