Barbenheimer Saves Theaters

October 17, 2023, 9:18 am       No Comments

Courtesy of KQED

With movie theaters struggling, Barbie and Oppenheimer were expected to revive them and prevent smaller theaters from shutting down. As predicted, both were hits in box-office sales and benefited many local theaters, helping them stay open. However, movies do not stay in theaters for very long, so this wave of sales will not last forever. 

The pandemic and rise in popularity of streaming services have taken a toll on movie theaters, particularly the smaller ones. In the past year, three local movie theaters have closed in the Bay Area (The Oaklandside). Many prefer watching movies in the comfort of their own home just as much, or even more than going out to a movie theater. 

An anonymous survey showed that 48.9% of students from the School prefer watching movies at home, 44.4% prefer watching movies in theaters, 4.4% said both, and 2.2% said neither. According to a survey of adults in the United States, 55% prefer watching movies at home, while 37% prefer it in theaters (Statista). The comparison between national and student data suggests that movie theaters have recently been more popular among younger audiences.

When asked about her thoughts on movie theater closures, sophomore Olivia Catanese said, “It makes me really sad because local movie theaters are a great way to connect with your community.” 

Large corporations such as AMC theaters tend to be more successful than local theaters. These large companies are typically more appealing because of their futuristic displays and spacious theaters. Based on an anonymous survey, 55.6% of students from the School preferred AMC, 35.6% preferred smaller theaters, and 6.6% said both.

Although most seem to prefer large corporations, some continue to appreciate smaller theaters. Lucy Henrich, a junior, stated, “I really appreciate the older theaters that are really small and really quaint, and they are really fun to visit even when the screen is really small.” 

Luckily, Barbie and Oppenheimer have caused people to rediscover the appeal of watching movies in person, which may provide hope for the future of the Bay Area’s local theaters. 

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