School Vandalism: Reflection of School Culture?

March 23, 2023, 9:00 am       No Comments

When students first heard about the vandalism of the School’s bathrooms, there was shock, confusion, and laughter that something so absurd could have happened. The idea that a peer could be so driven to poop in a sink on multiple occasions was so unfathomable to many students that they laughed it off. The sink-pooper was mythologized, and as rumors swirled, no answers emerged as to what actually happened. 

When questioned about the sink feces, Upper School Head, Ricky Lapidus said that he had heard a rumor about something similar happening in the Middle School last year. Upon hearing about it initially this past fall, his “first reaction was more [of]…embarrassment and guilt.”  Like many proud members of the School community, for Lapidus the news was disheartening. 

By all accounts, the investigation into who the perpetrator might be seems to be going nowhere. Administrators are trying to communicate with the maintenance team, who may have photos, according to Assistant Upper School Head, Courtney Duke. However, it looks like it’s going to be a while before we get any definitive answers.

When asked about the implications of this recent string of incidents within the School, Lapidus said, “I actually would really resist saying this is why people are late (to class) or something like that.” 

He may be right that there is no connection between disrespectful behavior and disrespectful actions. The student population does not seem to have the basics of respect ingrained within their minds. They don’t realize that when they damage and deteriorate the campus, all those who exist within this community are affected. That may seem obvious, but walk around the School, and you’ll notice the gum all over the ground and the trash seemingly thrown about. 

I set off writing this article hoping to get answers about a specific incident, but if anything I was left with more questions about school culture as a whole. After countless unanswered questions and interview requests denied, it has become increasingly clear that this vandalism is a cultural issue, and the School’s administration is not sharing the potential action steps they are taking. 

The School doesn’t care enough about changing the culture in which students are not mindful about their actions and the impact of what they do. This article is not trying to suggest people should theorize or hunt down the perpetrator. It is not trying to call out some sort of cover up. But we know somebody defecated in the sinks. Yes, it is indicative that there is a general lack of respect for the campus and those who exist within it,  and yes the administration doesn’t do enough to change the school culture that encourages disrespect. 

So what can the School do to change these issues? I believe that starting at the root and calling out students for their disrespectful actions would be a start, but that’s not the final solution. As we try to combat these issues, it’s important for the administration to share what they are doing, so that it doesn’t look like they aren’t doing anything at all. 

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